What make us different from Bill gates? bil gate has one Bill & Many gates where as ours is many Bil & One gates.. he he he.. Is this the reason why I am so crazy doing part time???emm... don't have answer. After doing 1 & 1/2 years doing Unit Trust biz as part time, only last week I made decision to do this biz full time. I didn't dare to say this to my hubby intially. Scared my hubby will said, "what!!! dah giler ker nak resign?", I am actually expecting this kind of question.
tapi tak pulak.. he seems cool & said, "it is up to you, tak nak kerja pun boleh'"..he he he greenlight! Dengan berani matinya I told my bosses, & emmmmm as usual they asked me to stayed with promise better future & promotion. Boleh percaya ker?I already nekad to do this biz as full time & tuition as back-up. Any better suggestion?

I love maths & had teached Add Maths for almost 7 years. Walaupun a bit tiring, there is something that you can't get outside.. he he he SATISFACTION. 50% of family members are teachers. Some of them quit for business. Pernah jugak try apply KPLI, 2 kali try tak dapat & give up. I love the students & always treat them macam my own adik2. Tak perlah although I don't have the rezeki to be a teacher, alhamdulillah i still get a chance mencurahkan ilmu yang ada. & what make me happy, is that their SPM result. Gambar di atas adalah sebahagian sahaja students this year, & I really2 hope I clould help them to get A1 in Add maths like my former students.
Kiram salam pada minah graggo tuh.. Ckp dengan dia ..kak azi miis her so much...
Ok ler tuh dari tak buat apa2 kann. Tudung and jubah terus jual juga ker?
Insya Allah nanti sampaikan.
Tudung he he he insya Allah.
Cpital besar sangat lah..sis
pehhhh tak larat rasa
buat kak, jgn tak buat. apalah yg ada/tinggal pd PJM...qim ngan kak ita aje yg best ehehehe..
Lela...hubby dah bagi greenlight..go for it. Business world is tough but kalau persevere the reward is what you seek...satisfaction.
Tutoring is good...no hassle of marking papers or classroom discipline...It's your own rule...
I encourage you to go for it... full force...
wow! may success comes your way :)
sebab Qim, kak ita, kak ninie & kawan2 yang lain lah berat hati nak tinggalkan sini.. he he he
Thanks emm.. very encouraging!
Kak Nisak
Insya Allah doakan yer..
Good Luck !!
Business ni kalau minat dah ada , InsyaAllah maju....
Hai.. lelakhalidah,
blog hopping dari Ajzie.. tau-tau super junior MRSM pulak..
macih2..atas galakan sumer.. semakin tak sabar rasanya menghitung hari2 ku di sini...
sis...my nephew & niece pun my super duper junior.. :)best eik sekolah tu.. masa u cikgu sheikh ada?
eh ada gambo aku laks..aku sebenor nyer ngeri gak berdiri sebelah minah grago tu.aku rasa ko ada style ikut cam dia. jealous la tgk dia cam tu, aku nie byk sgt pemalu...lela aku sunyi la..jln sorang2.bosannnn nyerr
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