Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

BYE2 Hong Kong... seribu satu kenangan manis untuk kami sekeluarga... Mudah2an dimurahkan rezeki untuk next overseas's trip.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Sekitar Majlis Iftar

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Bibik ku kabur

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Long silence
“Kenapa mama menangis?”
“Mama sedih ingat nenek. Dari kecik mama tak der mama lagi”
Aiman memeluk & melentukkan kepala dibahu…”mama, kalau ayah dah tak der, nanti abang jaga mama sampai bila-bila”
Allah… sayunya… makin derasnya airmata tanpa sebarang kata-kata yang terluah….masya Allah anak-anaklah penyejuk hati.
Buat kak azi dan qim,
After long silence, here are quick updates
1) I had miscarriage. Aiman & Ayah was upset. Aiman keep asking me, “kenapa mama tak tahan baby daripada keluar?” memang sedih pun tapi tak der rezeki. Next time I’ll be extra careful bila berjalan di atas lantai yang licin.. ehh can I sue T*Y*T* service centre? The floor was slippery at that time tapi it was my mistake too, saper suwuh pakai kasut tinggi masa mengandung..
2) Aiman can ride bicycle without support tayar sebelah kanan & kiri.. it was last month but it has not been recorded.. Now the bicycle a bit too small for him kena beli yang baru tapi tak sempat gak nak gi kedai basikal.. . I bought that bicycle when he was 2 now sekarang Aiman dah besar.
3) Anas can say few words clearly such as mama, ayah, babang (abang actually), tak nak, bird, cicak, cat, sensored word when he ask me to nurse him tet*k. Although he spends most of the time with bibik, he is so attached dengan mama.
4) Meanwhile my unit trust business with P**L** Mutual expanding alhamdulillah.. syukur ke hadratnya.. I am recruiting more agents under me & in progress of taking the FMUTM examination. Personal sales bulan nie dah break my own PS record. May Allah bless all my effort…& sabar mengharungi cabaran2 & rejections.
5) Tuition terpaksa stop dulu kerana kekurangan masa buat anak-anak tersayang.
I need to FOCUS…
Saturday, July 7, 2007
7.07.07 Makan-makan

Monday, July 2, 2007
Tagged for charity
1.A person is only as good as ..their heart
2. Friendship is always... precious
3. To love is to........ love myself & people around me.
4. Money makes me....... HAPPY
5. I miss ........ masakan arwah mak
6. My way of saying I care is by ........showing my CARE
7. I try to spread love and happiness by.....treating them nicely
8. Pick the flowers when...my hand is “itchy” to pick them
9. To love someone is to.....love unconditionally
10. Beauty is.......in the eyes of the beholder
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was....i had abscess on my b** and it was really painful.
12. When I was twenty one, I remember..... twenty one ++ …. I GOT MARRIED TO MY CAYANG BUCUK HUBBY !!!
13. I am most happy when ........my hubby giving permission to buy anything I like.
14. Nothing makes me happier than ......seeing all my cute little boys playing & laughing.
15. If I can change one thing, I will change.....my CAR.. upon husband a.k.a account manager’s approval
16. If smiles were....contagious.....then I.....will spread it to everyone
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could...... JUST stay at home and taking care of the family
18. If you want to ...be respected.. then you have to ...start respecting others
19. Money is not everything but.......but everything needs money.. muahaha
20. The most touching moments I have experienced is..... the first time I hugged & kiss newly born Aiman & Anas and felt the tears running down on my cheek.
21. I smile when......I see Aiman and Anas “menyakat” each other
22. When I am happy, I....EAT and EAT
23. If only I don't have to ..go to work... then I'll stay at home and melepak with the kids.
24. The best thing I did yesterday was.... brought my sons to the park & watched them playing around.
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title,"A career(CRAZY) mother juggling 5 jobs at the same time"
26. One thing I must do before I die is....perform HAJ together with hubby…
27. Doing this meme, I feel like .... a small thing that I did, hope it could benefit the orphanage.
And now, I am tagging my dear blogger friends: Hope you will have some time, for original meme, please refer back to: "Idham's - tagged for charity".
Kak Azie
Kak Nisak @ mama sarah
Saturday, June 16, 2007
7th Anniversary

To my dearest hubby, no matter what happen, I love u sooooooo much..every single minutes in my life.. & I am sooooo happy be with you for the rest of my life. he he he.. nak hadiah pilih sendiri boleh???
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Cuti Sekolah
Setelah sekian lama mama saya janji nak bawa saya tengok ikan jerung, barulah minggu ni mama & ayah berkesempatan bawa saya jalan-jalan ke KL... ye ye ye..saya nak naik LRT.. Kalau tak kerana nenek minta tolong ayah ambilkan barang-barang Cik Ina saya (Dia baru abis study kat UITM)..dah tentu cuti sekolah nie saya cuma duduk kat rumah tengok TV..:)..terima kasih nenek!
Di KL, saya tinggal kat rumah mak ngah (kakak ayah saya), Dari Sungai Besi saya naik LRT & tukar putra ke KLCC.. alangkah "JAKUN" nyer saya naik LRT.. sampai di KLCC, saya jalan2 cuci2 mata dulu sambil terasa bengang dengan mama sebab dia sibuk masuk kat kedai2.. nak shopping lah tu! Tapi saya tarik tangan dia sebab saya dah tak sabar nak tengok jerung! Saya rasa ayah mesti berterima kasih dengan saya..:)..Tak tau bagaimana saya nak luahkan betapa "kagumnya" saya tengok ikan yang besar-besar tu... seperti dalam gambar-gambar dibawah:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Selamat Hari Guru
Monday, May 14, 2007
Selamat Hari Ibu
Selamat Hari Ibu,
Dan hendaklah engkau merendah diri kepada keduanya kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu, dan doakanlah (untuk mereka, dengan berkata): “Wahai Tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil.” (Al-Israa’ 17: 24)
Ya Allah tempatkan arwah ibu dan bapaku di dalam golongan orang-orang yang beriman & bertaqwa.
& buat mak (MIL), terima kasih atas kasih sayang mak pada kami sekeluarga. Pengorbanan mak hanya Allah jua yang membalasnya.
Friday, May 11, 2007

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
cuti labor day & wesak

Sunday, April 29, 2007
eppi besday Anas & weekend lagi

26 April - Anas birthday & 28 April - Mak Lang birthday. We had family gathering again to celebrate Mak Lang Birthday. & you know, Mak Lang memang hebat memasak! Kenyang sampai tak boleh bangun pekena ayam masak lomak cili api, ketam masak lomak cili padi gak, udang sambal petai. Memang sodap!! Anyway kami sekeluarga doakan mak lang panjang umur dan murah rezeki & terus sambung your master & get excellent CGPA.. & pak lang sentiasa succes in his biz. Can't wait another gathering again, coming soon Pak lang's house warming..moving to new house insya Allah in June.
I was really tired, had my nap & let the kids with my maid. Husband busy lately & terpaksa frequentlymasuk kerja sebab oncall (he is not a normal doctor, but machinery doctor :). Bila balik kerja he was asking me, siapa conteng dinding? emmmmm.... must be Aiman & then we confront with him..
Mama : Siapa conteng dinding?
Aiman : Ntah! tak tau..ada batu kat kaki abang, lepas tu tiba -tiba jer abang terconteng. (Ayah dah tersenyum).
Mama : Siapa conteng?
Aiman: Ntah
Mama: Tapi cantik kan abg Aiman lukis.
Aiman : Ha ah, abg memang pandai lukis...(KANTOIIIIII)
Mama: ooooohhhhhh abag lah yang buat...
Aiman : (Tersenyum222....)
Luckily it is water base colour, & we managed clean it..We just advise him but not scolding him, this is part & parcel in kids growth & development.